The iconic Chanel handbag, also known as the Chanel 2.55, was introduced by French fashion designer Coco Chanel in the 1920s. At the time, women’s fashion was dominated by small clutch purses, which were not very practical for everyday use.
Chanel wanted to create a handbag that was both functional and stylish, and she drew inspiration from the bags that were carried by soldiers. The resulting design featured a quilted leather exterior, which was not only aesthetically pleasing but also padded to protect the contents of the bag.
The 2.55 also had a chain strap, which was a departure from the traditional leather handles of the time. This allowed women to wear the bag over their shoulders or across their bodies, leaving their hands free. As Coco Chanel herself said: “I got fed up with holding my purses in my hands and losing them, so I added a strap and carried them over my shoulder.”
Distressed calfskin is used to make the 2.55 bag, giving the appearance of age. The bag features a diamond-quilted design inspired by a riding coat, giving the exterior a solid form.
One of the most iconic features of the 2.55 is the interlocking CC logo on the clasp – also known as the “Mademoiselle lock”. Chanel had previously used a similar logo on her clothing, but the CC logo on the handbag was a new design. It has since become one of the most recognizable symbols in fashion.
The name “2.55” refers to the year the bag was first introduced, February 1955. The bag was an instant success, and it has remained a timeless classic ever since. Over the years, the 2.55 has been updated with new materials and colors, but the basic design has remained the same, a testament to Chanel’s vision for a practical and stylish handbag.